Tuesday 15 November 2011

BCES Teacher's Day

@ SM cinema...

Maam Elma,Ging and juliet in their best smiles
Celebrating the day!

Mrs.Celendro with her pupils..

Since the last fifteen years, almost 100 countries around the world have been celebrating World Teacher's Day on 5th October. UNESCO inaugurated the said date as World Teacher's Day in 1994. The efforts of Education International (the global union federation that represents education professionals worldwide) and its 348 member organizations have contributed to the wide spread recognition of World Teachers Day. Every year, Education International launches a public awareness campaign to highlight the contributions of the teaching profession.

World Teacher's Day is celebrated to convey an appreciation of the contribution, dedication and devotion of the teachers. Teachers are essential, rather indispensable, for the effective working of our educational system. They help in the development of a child, not only academically, but also socially and emotionally. They expand our horizons and encourage us to explore our potentialities to the maximum possible extent. As our age progresses, we come out of their shadows, but their footprints remain etched on our life paths.

Teachers hold an important position in the society. They help in the development of the society, by building a better-educated and more tolerant community, thus contributing to the prosperity of the nation. By dedicating a day to the teachers, we recognize the importance of having competent, qualified and motivated educators across the world. This day, certainly, will be mentioned in golden letters in the annals of history and observed by generations to come, with the same enthusiasm as us.
                Baguio Central  Elementary School paid tribute to the unsung heroes who made an important role in the lives of their students in school and out of school ..Last October 05,2005 a special day was dedicated to them.A simple program and offerings of flowers and gifts were made by the pupils and a sumptuous lunch was served after.

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